
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 46(2): 117-125 (2021)

研究Research Paper

SWEにおける測定条件および検者間評価の信頼性の検討Evaluation of Measurement Conditions and the Reliability of Shear Wave Elastography

1東京都立大塚病院検査科Department of Clinical Laboratory, Tokyo Metropolitan Otsuka Hospital

2東京都立大塚病院内科Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Metropolitan Otsuka Hospital

受付日:2020年3月13日Received: March 13, 2020
受理日:2020年11月21日Accepted: November 21, 2020
発行日:2021年4月1日Published: April 1, 2021

はじめに:Shear Wave Elastography(SWE)は,検査の習熟度や測定条件の違いにより差が生じることが知られている.今回,検査の精度向上を目的とし,測定条件および検者内・間評価法の信頼性について検討を行った.


結果:1)検者内ICC(1,1)は5人中4人で0.7以上,検者間ICC(3,5)は0.8であった.2)被験者6例中2例,検者間5例中1例において有意差を認めた.3)体位による有意差は認めなかった.4)1回測定値と3回測定平均値との間には有意差を認め,3回測定平均値と6, 9, 12回測定平均値との間には有意差を認めなかった.



Objective: The difference in results from shear wave elastography (SWE) could be caused by variations in degrees of measurements and procedure conditions. We aimed to improve the reliability and precision of SWE by defining the optimal measurement conditions and assessing the reproducibility among evaluators.

Subjects and Methods: Five sonographers measured shear wave velocity (SWV; m/s) in six persons without liver disease (mean age, 46.5±15.4 years; male, n=2; female, n=4) by ultrasound using an Aplio300 with a PVT-375BT probe (Canon Medical Systems). We calculated inter- and intraevaluator variations in the measured values and compared these values with set scores of 1 or 4 on the region of interest (ROI), in the supine position, with a slightly lateral decubitus position, and number of measurements. We used t-tests and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) to statistically analyze the data.

Results: In four of the five sonographers, the ICC (1,1 and 3,5) of intra- and interevaluator variability, respectively, was >0.7. There was a significant difference in the data from two of the six evaluees and from one of the five evaluators. The position of the evaluee during the procedure did not differ significantly. Single measurements and the average of three measurements differed significantly, whereas the average of three, six, nine, and 12 measurements did not.

Discussion: A high coefficient of variation for liver sections under different test conditions or in selecting the ROI contributed to variations in SWV.

Conclusions: Results were more accurate for persons without liver disease under uniform test conditions, with single measurements, in a supine posture, and when three measurements were averaged.

Key words: shear wave elastography; ultrasonography; shear wave velocity

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