
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 46(2): 132-136 (2021)

症例報告Case Report

超音波検査が検出に有用であった腸間膜静脈腫瘍塞栓を形成したS状結腸癌の1例Using Ultrasound to Detect Sigmoid Colon Cancer with Tumor Embolism

1国立病院機構嬉野医療センター臨床検査科Department of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Ureshino Medical Center

2国立病院機構長崎医療センター臨床検査科Department of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center

3国立病院機構嬉野医療センター病理診断科Department of Pathology, National Hospital Organization Ureshino Medical Center

受付日:2020年5月21日Received: May 21, 2020
受理日:2020年12月31日Accepted: December 31, 2020
発行日:2021年4月1日Published: April 1, 2021

症例は90代,女性.自宅内で転倒し,体動困難となり当院に搬送された.全身精査目的で行われた腹部単純CT検査で膵体尾部の主膵管拡張が認められたが,膵頭部に明らかな閉塞機転は指摘できなかった.主膵管拡張の精査目的で行われた腹部超音波検査で門脈起始部から上腸間膜静脈,下腸間膜静脈,脾静脈の合流部にかけて低エコー病変を認め,下腸間膜静脈は内部の低エコー病変により拡張していた.同病変に血流が検出されたため腫瘍塞栓が疑われた.さらに,S状結腸には形状不整で内部不均一な径30 mm大の限局性の壁肥厚を伴う低エコー腫瘤が認められたことからS状結腸癌とその腫瘍塞栓と考えられた.また,腹部造影CT検査でもS状結腸に造影効果のある不整な壁肥厚を認め,門脈起始部から上腸間膜静脈,下腸間膜静脈,脾静脈の合流部と下腸間膜静脈内に造影効果のある腫瘍性病変が認められた.肝臓に転移性病変は認めなかった.その後,下部消化管内視鏡検査が行われ,生検組織にて,Group 5, adenocarcinomaと診断された.



A woman in her 90s was admitted to our hospital owing to the complaint of difficulty in moving her body after experiencing a fall at home. Further examination with abdominal plain computed tomography (CT) revealed pancreatic duct dilatation at the pancreatic body and tail. However, no blockage was observed in the pancreatic head. Further examination of the dilatation with abdominal ultrasound showed the presence of hypoechoic lesions from the beginning of the portal to the confluence of the superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, and splenic veins, which subsequently resulted in inferior mesenteric vein dilatation. Colored Doppler ultrasound indicated the presence of bloodstream in these lesions, which were thought to be tumor embolism. Furthermore, a hypoechoic tumorous lesion, 30 mm in size, was detected and was characterized by irregular shape, internal heterogenicity, and localized wall thickening of the sigmoid colon. Therefore, sigmoid colon cancer associated with tumor embolism was suspected. Contrast CT also demonstrated similar findings. Colonoscopy with bioptic examination was performed, and the tumorous lesion in the sigmoid colon was diagnosed as moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.

Colon cancer invades the mesenteric vein through vessel invasion in the intestinal wall and metastasized to the liver via the portal vein. As tumor embolus formation requires a certain amount of time, it is very rarely observed as the identifiable tumor embolus in the mesenteric vein without liver metastasis by ultrasound.

In this report, we encountered a case of sigmoid colon cancer with tumor embolism, successfully detected via ultrasound examination, in the mesenteric vein.

Key words: tumor embolism; colon cancer; abdominal ultrasound

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