
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 47(2): 130-137 (2022)

症例報告Case Report

下咽頭癌の検出・診断における超音波検査の有用性—下咽頭癌の3症例から—Utility of Ultrasonography for Detecting and Diagnosing Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma

1国立病院機構嬉野医療センター臨床検査科Department of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Ureshino Medical Center

2国立病院機構長崎医療センター臨床検査科Department of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center

3国立病院機構嬉野医療センター病理診断科Department of Pathology, National Hospital Organization Ureshino Medical Center

受付日:2021年1月5日Received: January 5, 2021
受理日:2022年1月20日Accepted: January 20, 2022
発行日:2022年4月1日Published: April 1, 2022




まとめ:アルコール多飲や喫煙歴のある高齢男性など下咽頭癌の危険因子を有する患者や,転移を疑う頸部リンパ節腫脹のある患者では,下咽頭癌の可能性を考え下咽頭領域の入念な観察が重要である.今後,CT, MRI検査前に超音波検査で病変を検出できれば超音波検査は術前検査の一助となりうると考える.

We present three cases of hypopharyngeal carcinoma detected and diagnosed by ultrasonographic examination.

The cases included three men in their 50s, 70s, and 80s. Ultrasonography revealed internal nonuniform hypoechoic mass projecting into the pyriform sinus lumen. Epiglottis folds movement was maintained in the men in their 50s and 70s but not in the man in his 80s. The tumor was detected in the pyriform sinus, and a hyperechoic image that appeared to be air was observed around it.

Hypopharyngeal carcinoma accounts for approximately 10% of head and neck cancers, with pyriform sinus being the primary site in 70% cases and is often diagnosed as advanced cancer with few symptoms. The three cases in this report had hypopharyngeal carcinoma in the pyriform sinus lumen.

Ultrasonography revealed irregular and nonuniform hypoechoic images, indicating the possibility of hypopharyngeal cancer. Until now, observing hypopharyngeal tumors using ultrasonography was considered difficult. However, in the cases reported here, the tumors protruded into the pyriform sinus and the outline was clearly evident on the ultrasonography images due to the presence of air in the pharynx. Furthermore, the mobility of the larynx due to breathing and speech could be observed in real-time. Thus, ultrasonography may provide useful information for decisions on treatment policy and surgical procedure.

In cervical ultrasonography, the pyriform sinus was mainly considered in elderly men, patients with a history of heavy alcohol consumption or smoking, and patients with cervical lymph node swelling suspected of metastasis, considering the possibility of hypopharyngeal carcinoma. It is critical to make detailed observations of the hypopharyngeal region. If ultrasonography can detect lesions before endoscopy, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging, it would aid preoperative examinations in the future.

Key words: hypopharyngeal carcinoma; pyriform sinus; ultrasonography

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