
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 47(2): 146-152 (2022)

症例報告Case Report

フィジカルアセスメントを加味した超音波検査が診断契機となった孤立性腹腔動脈解離の1例Isolated Celiac Artery Dissection Successfully Diagnosed by Ultrasonography with Physical Assessment: A Case Report

1大垣市民病院診療検査科Department of Clinical Research, Ogaki Municipal Hospital

2大垣市民病院救命救急センターCritical Care Center, Ogaki Municipal Hospital

3岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine

受付日:2021年9月28日Received: September 28, 2021
受理日:2021年12月16日Accepted: December 16, 2021
発行日:2022年4月1日Published: April 1, 2022

症例は80代男性.突然の心窩部痛にて救急外来を受診した.バイタルに生理学的異常は認められず,血液検査や心電図でも明らかな異常はみられなかった.消化器疾患を疑い超音波検査(US)が施行された.US中の症状聴取では急性発症で心窩部に限局した持続的な痛みであると訴えがあった.訴えを基に内臓血管を観察すると,腹腔動脈に限局した拡張と内腔に低輝度不均質な充実エコーを認め,腹腔動脈解離が疑われた.造影CTで腹腔動脈の限局的な瘤状拡張とflap, 内腔の狭小化がみられ,腹腔動脈解離と診断された.腹腔動脈起始部は狭窄しており,上腸間膜動脈から側副路を介して固有肝動脈が造影された.孤立性腹腔動脈解離の合併症は脾梗塞,後腹膜出血など多様である.高血圧と喫煙歴を有する例が多く,成因は特発性,外傷などの他,正中弓状靱帯圧迫症候群も推測されている.本症例では高血圧も喫煙歴もなく,正中弓状靱帯圧迫症候群が成因となった可能性が考えられる.本症例は消化器疾患を疑いUSが施行されたが,急性の内臓痛という痛みの性状から血管系疾患を考慮して観察(フィジカルアセスメント)することで腹腔動脈解離を指摘することができた.検者がフィジカルアセスメントを理解することでUSでの診断能は向上すると思われる.

A man in his 80s presented to the emergency department due to sudden onset of epigastric pain. No remarkable abnormalities were observed in his vital signs, blood tests, and electrocardiograms. Ultrasonography (US) was performed to assess any gastrointestinal illness. Based on the complaint of acute onset and persistent pain localized to the epigastric region in the physical assessment during US, the visceral blood vessels were examined. The celiac artery was found to be dilated according to the low-intensity, heterogeneous full echo in the lumen of the blood vessels, suggesting a celiac artery dissection. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography was then performed, which showed localized aneurysm dilation of the celiac artery, intimal flap, and vascular lumen stenosis. Therefore, the patient was diagnosed with celiac artery dissection. A narrowed proximal portion of the celiac artery was observed, and the proper hepatic artery was imaged from the superior mesenteric artery via collateral circulation. Isolated celiac artery dissection is associated with diverse complications, including splenic infarction and retroperitoneal bleeding. It is also primarily associated with hypertension and smoking history, and its etiology is presumed to be idiopathic, traumatic, and median arcuate ligament syndrome. However, this patient had no hypertension or smoking history, and thus, his celiac artery dissection may be caused by median arcuate ligament syndrome. As gastrointestinal diseases were suspected, US was performed. However, celiac artery dissection may also be diagnosed by considering vascular diseases associated with acute visceral pain. A sonographer’s understanding of the importance of physical assessment before performing US will improve their diagnostic ability.

Key words: isolated celiac artery dissection; physical assessment; ultrasonography

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