
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 48(2): 167-174 (2023)

症例報告Case Report

経胸壁心エコー図検査で治療経過を観察した心臓悪性リンパ腫の5例Five Cases of Cardiac Malignant Lymphoma: Detection and Follow-up by Transthoracic Echocardiography

1大阪市立総合医療センター生理機能検査部Department of Clinical Laboratory, Osaka City General Hospital

2大阪市立総合医療センター循環器内科Department of Cardiology, Osaka City General Hospital

3大阪市立十三市民病院 中央臨床検査部Department of Clinical Laboratory, Osaka City Juso Hospital

受付日:2022年5月20日Received: May 20, 2022
受理日:2022年10月19日Accepted: October 19, 2022
発行日:2023年4月1日Published: April 1, 2023

当院において20年間で5例の心臓悪性リンパ腫を経験した.全例がびまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫(diffuse large B cell lymphoma: DLBCL)であった.発見の契機は全例で胸部CT検査であり,孤立性の心臓腫瘍は2例であった.腫瘍の存在部位は心室中隔が1例,4例は右房自由壁側で,そのうち1例では右房から右室にわたる自由壁側に存在し,三尖弁輪後尖を巻き込むように認められた.心臓悪性リンパ腫の診断は,右篩骨洞腫瘍の生検で診断された1例を除いて,2例は経胸壁心エコー図(transthoracic echocardiography: TTE)ガイド下生検,1例は心腔内エコー図(intracardiac echocardiography: ICE)ガイド下生検,1例ではTTEやICE下で腫瘤を採取できなかったため開胸生検にて診断された.全例において化学療法によって心臓腫瘍が縮小する過程をTTEで観察することができ,4例は7か月から5年8か月(平均2年10か月)で死亡したが,1例では10年経過した時点で生存している.心臓悪性リンパ腫は化学療法で著明に縮小して長期の生命予後が望めることもあり,その発見および治療後の経過観察にTTEが有用であると思われる.また,治療を開始するための確定診断には腫瘤生検が必要であり,そのガイドにTTEやICEが有用である.

Over the past two decades at this hospital, five cardiac malignant lymphoma cases were encountered. All five cases were diagnosed as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and all of these cardiac tumors were initially detected by chest computed tomography. Moreover, solitary cardiac tumors were found in two cases. The tumor was located in the interventricular septum in one case and on the right atrium’s free wall side in four cases. In one of these four cases, the tumor was located on the whole right heart’s free wall, involving the posterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve. DLBCL was diagnosed by right ethmoid sinus tumor biopsy in one case, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)-guided biopsy in two cases, intracardiac echocardiography (ICE)-guided biopsy in one case, and open chest biopsy due to technical difficulty with TTE- or ICE-guided biopsy in one case. TTE showed decreased tumor sizes due to chemotherapy in all cases. After the initial diagnosis, the patients succumbed between 7 months to 5.7 years (average 2.8 years) in four of the five cases, while in the remaining case; the patient has been alive for 10 years. Cardiac malignant lymphomas often shrink markedly due to chemotherapy, and patients with cardiac malignant lymphoma are expected to have a long-term prognosis. TTE is useful for cardiac malignant lymphoma detection and follow-up of its size after chemotherapy initiation. Biopsy for definitive diagnosis is necessary to start appropriate chemotherapy and echocardiography, including TTE and ICE, is useful for biopsy guidance.

Key words: cardiac malignant lymphoma; DLBCL; echocardiography; cardiac tumor

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