
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 48(5): 509-514 (2023)

症例報告Case Report

超音波検査が診断に有用であった総大腿静脈外膜囊腫の1症例A Case of Adventitial Cystic Disease of the Common Femoral Vein for Which Ultrasonography Was Useful for Its Diagnosis

1大阪府済生会中津病院検査技術部Department of Clinical Laboratory, Osaka Saiseikai Nakatsu Hospital

2大阪府済生会中津病院心臓血管外科Department of Cardiovascular surgery, Osaka Saiseikai Nakatsu Hospital

3竹内医院TAKEUCHI clinic

受付日:2023年1月24日Received: January 24, 2023
受理日:2023年5月31日Accepted: May 31, 2023
発行日:2023年10月1日Published: October 1, 2023

症例は60代の女性.左下腿腫脹が3か月前から出現し,徐々に増悪したため近医を受診した.近医で施行された下肢静脈超音波検査では深部静脈血栓症は否定され,精査目的で当院に紹介された.血液生化学検査では凝固能異常は認めなかったが,CT検査で左総大腿静脈に接する腫瘤あるいは限局性病変を疑う像が観察され,静脈還流障害の原因となる可能性が指摘された.当院での下肢静脈超音波検査においても明らかな血栓像は認めなかったが,左総大腿静脈に23×13×6 mm大の腫瘤性病変像が確認された.腫瘤内部は大部分が無エコーで隔壁様構造物を認め,探触子の圧迫により腫瘤の変形はなく,積極的に血栓は疑わなかった.MRI検査では,左総大腿静脈にT2強調像で高信号,T1強調像で低信号の多房性囊胞構造が認められ,リンパ管奇形や外膜囊腫などの良性病変が疑われた.以上より,左総大腿静脈外膜囊腫による静脈狭窄と診断され,心臓血管外科で摘出術を施行.摘出標本では,静脈の外膜に多房性囊胞の形成を認め,外膜囊腫と診断された.外膜囊腫は比較的まれな疾患であり膝窩動脈外膜囊腫などが知られるが,静脈での外膜囊腫はさらに稀であり,外膜囊腫全体の5%程度であるとされている.今回我々は,左下肢腫脹の原因検索に超音波検査が有用であった症例を経験したので報告する.

A woman in her 60s presented to her family doctor with left lower extremity edema. She was referred to our hospital where a computed tomography scan revealed a mass lesion which compressing with the left common femoral vein . Ultrasonography did not reveal any thrombus; however, a mass lesion (23 × 13 × 6 mm) was identified near the left common femoral vein. The mass lesion did not deform on compression with the ultrasound probe and showed low or isoechoic ultrasonic characteristics with partition walls inside. The magnetic resonance imaging revealed a multifocal cystic structure, which was suggestive of a benign tumor, such as lymphangioma or adventitial cystic disease. The patient was diagnosed with femoral venous stenosis due to compression induced by adventitial cystic disease. The mass lesion was surgically resected, and the histological examination revealed multifocal cysts, which is consistent with adventitial cystic disease. Venous adventitial cystic disease is rare, accounting for only 5% of all cases. Herein, we report a rare case of venous adventitial cystic disease that was detected via ultrasonography

Key words: adventitial cystic disease; femoral vein; ultrasonography

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