
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 41(3): 251-260 (2016)

原著Original Article

胆囊隆起性病変の超音波所見と病理学的検討:体外式超音波検査において腫瘍性病変の鑑別が困難であった15 mm以下の病変についてThe Ultrasonographic and Clinicopathologic Study of Polypoid Lesions in the Gall Bladder Measuring 15 mm or Less: The Difficulty in Differentiating Neoplastic Lesions

1久留米大学医学部附属医療センター臨床検査室Department of Laboratory Medicine, Kurume University Medical Center

臨床検査室・病理診断科Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kurume University Medical Center

3久留米大学医学部附属医療センター放射線科Department of Radiology, Kurume University Medical Center

4久留米大学病院外科学講座Department of Surgery, Kurume University Hospital

5久留米大学病院臨床検査部Department of Laboratory Medicine, Kurume University Hospital

受付日:2015年9月18日Received: September 18, 2015
受理日:2016年2月17日Accepted: February 17, 2016
発行日:2016年6月1日Published: June 1, 2016

目的:超音波検査(US)において,胆囊隆起性病変(15 mm以下)の腫瘍性病変(癌・前癌病変)の鑑別は困難な場合が多い.今回,2007年1月から2014年12月までに,術前USで悪性を除外できず,胆囊摘出術を施行した15 mm以下の隆起性病変33例について,腫瘍性病変とさらに胆囊癌の抽出が可能か,病理学的結果からUS所見を検討する.



結語:15 mm以下のIp型腫瘍性病変の鑑別には,表面性状の所見が重要で,IIaの存在は悪性を疑う重要な所見である可能性が示唆された.

Purpose: There are some difficulties in differentiation neoplastic lesions (cancers and precancerous) polypoid lesions measuring 15 mm or less of the gallbladder in ultrasonography (US). We retrospectively examined the US findings by the pathological perspective about the differentiation of the 33 neoplastic lesions and cancers from polypoid lesions measuring 15 mm or less that could not be ruled out to be cancers in the preoperative US, and performed the cholecystectomy from Jan 2007 to Dec 2014.

Method: We investigated; (i) the histology of the polypoid lesions; (ii) the US findings of Ip-type/Is-type (neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions) [size, the number of cases, position, surfaces, internal echoes, homogeneity] and a comparison between US findings and the pathological findings; (iii) the presence of IIa-type around the Ip-type/Is-type whether or not.

Result: (i) Out of 33 pathological diagnoses, neoplastic lesions were in 13/33 (39%). Non-neoplastic lesions accounted for 20/33 (61%). In the histology, chronic cholecystitis were in 6/20 (30%). Therefore, we omitted them from the following examinations. (ii) The histology of these 27 cases were; Ip-type [neoplastic lesions in 7/17 (41%) vs. non-neoplastic lesions in 10/17 (59%)] and, Is-type [neoplastic lesions in 6/10 (60%) vs. non-neoplastic lesions in 4/10 (40%)]. Among US findings, only the surface of Ip-type was significantly different [neoplastic lesions in 5/7 (71%) were smooth, and non-neoplastic lesions in 8/10 (59%) were irregular (p=0.033)], and these results were corresponded to the histology. (iii) IIa-types were found in 2/27 (7%), that were Ip-type and Is-type cancers, one each, respectively. IIa-type were both cancers similar to the main lesions.

Conculsion: In Ip-type lesions measuring 15 mm or less, the surface is useful for the differentiation whether neoplastic or not. In addition, the presence of IIa-type lesions is suspected to be a malignant. Therefore, the search for neighboring lesions is important.

Key words: ultrasonography; gallbladder; pathology; polypoid lesion; gallbladder cancer

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