
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 41(5): 485-491 (2016)

研究Research Paper

院内感染対策を目的とした超音波ゼリーの衛生管理に関する研究Study on Hygiene Management of Ultrasound Gel for Nosocomial Infection Control

1北里大学病院臨床検査部Department of Medical Laboratory, Kitasato University Hospital

2北里大学病院感染管理室Department of Infection Control & Prevention, Kitasato University Hospital

3北里大学医学部臨床検査診断学Department of Laboratry Medicine, Kitasato University School of Medicine

受付日:2016年2月19日Received: February 19, 2016
受理日:2016年7月1日Accepted: July 1, 2016
発行日:2016年10月1日Published: October 1, 2016

目的:超音波検査は,超音波探触子を患者の皮膚に直接的に接触させて検査を行うため,プローブと皮膚の間に超音波を伝導させるための超音波ゼリーが必要となる.経食道超音波検査に関連したP. aeruginosaのアウトブレイク事例が2011年に米国で報告され,調査の結果,汚染したゼリーの使用によるものが原因であった.我々は,院内感染対策を目的とし,ゼリーによる菌発育阻止能およびゼリー内の標準菌株の発育能の有無,ならびにゼリーを使用する環境として超音波機器周囲の汚染状況について検証した.

対象:日常業務に使用している未開封のゼリーを使用し,標準菌株は,S. aureus, E. faecalis, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosaおよびC. albicansの6菌種を使用した.

結果:ゼリーによる発育阻止能結果は,6菌種全てにゼリー周囲およびゼリー塗布部下面まで菌の発育が認められた.ゼリー内発育能結果に関しては,接種当日は全菌種に発育を認めた.接種1日後にはE. faecalis, C. albicansのみに発育を認めたが,菌数は著しく減少し,接種2日後には6菌種全てに発育を認めなかった.超音波機器周囲の拭き取り調査結果は,両機器で機器パネル表面から検出した菌数が他の拭き取り箇所に比べて多かった.


Purpose: Gel is used to help conduct an ultrasound wave between a probe and the skin for sonography to issue a supersonic wave.

In the United States in 2011, there was an out-break of P. aeruginosa associated with esophagal sonography, and the cause was reported to be bacterially contaminated gel. Subsequent nosocomial infection control focused on inspection of the ultrasound wave apparatus as an environment where bacteria colonize the gel. Furthermore, we wished to examine the growth ability of the standard strain in the gel.

Subject: An unopened gel was used for standard daily routine, and the standard strain, which had 6 species of microbe of, S. aureus, E. faecalis, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa and C. albicans, were introduced.

Result: E. faecalis and C. albicans grew one day later. However, the number of microbes remarkably decreased, and two days after the inoculation, no microbes were alive in the gel. The result of the investigation the number of both apparatuses bacteria which detected from the apparatus panel surface together other; wiped it off, and there was more it than a point.

Conclusion: When bacteria are introduced to gel, bacteria may survive from several hours to 24 hours. Consequently, it is necessary to perform strict hygiene management of ultrasound gel, since those who use ultrasound wave apparatus believe that strict nosocomial infection control relating to gel should encourage hand hygiene and through cleaning.

Key words: ultrasound gel; nosocominal infection; hand hygiene

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