
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 43(1): 22-33 (2018)

学術賞-研究Researcher's Award - Research Paper

悪性リンパ腫肝浸潤の超音波所見の検討Ultrasonographic Characterization of Hepatic Malignant Lymphoma for Effective Diagnosis

1愛媛県立中央病院検査部Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital

2愛媛県立中央病院血液内科Department of Hematology, Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital

3愛媛県立中央病院病理診断部Department of Pathology, Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital

受付日:2017年3月28日Received: March 28, 2017
受理日:2017年10月13日Accepted: October 13, 2017
発行日:2018年2月1日Published: February 1, 2018



結果と考察:腫瘤径30 mm(≧30 mm:6例,<30 mm:5例)を境に,Bモード所見およびドプラ所見の違いがみられた.最大径が30 mm以上の腫瘤は,内部エコーが不均一な低エコーで,腫瘤内部に線状高エコーや点状高エコーがみられた.また,カラードプラでは,腫瘤内部に正常血管の貫通像がみられた.一方,最大径が30 mm未満の腫瘤は,内部エコーが均一な低エコーで,腫瘤内部に脈管貫通像がみられなかった.悪性リンパ腫の組織型の違いによる超音波所見の違いはみられなかった.

結論:悪性リンパ腫肝浸潤の超音波所見は,腫瘤径30 mmを境に異なる可能性がある.Bモードで腫瘤径を加味して内部エコーを評価し,さらにカラードプラで脈管貫通像の有無を評価することで,悪性リンパ腫肝浸潤の超音波鑑別診断能が向上する可能性が示唆された.

Purpose: This study was conducted to examine whether there are characteristic findings of hepatic malignant lymphoma on B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography.

Subjects and Methods: Eleven patients (8 men and 3 women, median age 83 years) who were diagnosed with malignant lymphoma by biopsy or hepatectomy after ultrasonography between January 2011 and December 2015 were analyzed retrospectively. Histologically, there were 8 diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, 1 extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, 1 methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative disorder and 1 Hodgkin lymphoma.

Results and Discussion: There was a significant difference in B-mode findings and Doppler findings between tumors with diameters of ≧30 mm and those with diameters of <30 mm (≧30 mm: 6 cases, <30 mm: 5 cases). Tumors with a diameter of ≧30 mm appeared as hypoechoic masses with heterogeneous internal echo, with linear or dotted hyperechoic images. On color Doppler, penetration of normal vessels was observed inside the tumor. Tumors a diameter of <30 mm appeared as hypoechoic masses with homogeneous internal echo, and displayed images that were not suggestive of vascular penetration. Histopathological characteristics did not correlate with ultrasonographic findings in any of the cases.

Conclusion: We conclude that the ultrasonographic findings of hepatic malignant lymphoma might vary with a diameter of 30 mm. It was suggested that the ultrasonographic differential diagnosis capability of hepatic malignant lymphomas might be improved by assessing the tumor diameter and the internal echo on B-mode and by evaluating the presence or absence of the vascular penetrating image on color Doppler.

Key words: hepatic malignant lymphoma; ultrasonography; doppler

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