
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 43(5): 564-572 (2018)

研究Research Paper

心内膜自動トレースによる左室駆出率計測の精度に関する検討Accuracy of Measuring Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Using Automatic Endocardial Border Tracing

心臓血管研究所付属病院臨床検査室Clinical laboratory, The Cardiovascular Institute Hospital

受付日:2018年2月28日Received: February 28, 2018
受理日:2018年7月13日Accepted: July 13, 2018
発行日:2018年10月1日Published: October 1, 2018


対象と方法:洞調律で描出良好な74例(58±12歳,男67例,LVEF平均52±14%,LVEF≤50% 29例)を対象とした.超音波診断装置はA社製,B社製を用いた.それぞれの装置の自動計測法を用いて,左室収縮末期および拡張末期容量(ESVおよびEDV)とLVEFを計測した.さらに,手動で補正を加えて上記指標を再計測した.また,スタンダードとして上記指標を用手法(Biplane disk summation法)で計測した.各計測法より得られた計測値を単回帰分析およびBland–Altman解析を用いて統計学的に解析した.

結果:自動計測法で求められたESV, EDVおよびLVEFは用手法の計測値と相関関係が認められたものの,計測の系統誤差や手動補正の影響に装置間の差を認めた.A社製装置では,左室容量が増加するにつれEDV, ESVが過小評価されたが(誤差:(EDV)−11.7 ml; (ESV) −9.1 ml),EFは正確であった(誤差:1.2%).手動補正を行うと,EDV, ESVは正確になり(誤差:(EDV)2.5 ml; (ESV) 1.1 ml),EF計測に影響はなかった(誤差:0.7%).一方,B社製装置では,ESVの過小評価(誤差:−13.1%)により,EFは減少するにつれ過大評価した(誤差:7.4%).同様の手動補正を行ったとしても,誤差は解消されることはなかった(誤差:7.5%).


Purpose: Left ventricular (LV) chamber quantification using automatic endocardial border tracking has been introduced into clinical practice and it is attracting wide attention as a useful method with high accuracy and reproducibility. However, it remains unclear whether there is any difference in measurements among devices of different vendors.

Methods: This study compared LV chamber volume and ejection fraction (EF) measurements between different ultrasound machines manufactured by two vendors (A and B), in 74 patients in sinus rhythm (58±12 years old, 67 men, EF=52±14%, EF≤50% in 29 patients). End-systolic and end-diastolic volume (ESV and EDV) and EF were measured first automatically and then after manually correcting the endocardial border detection, using the two machines. Single regression analysis and Bland-Altman analysis were used to assess measurement errors.

Results: Although automatic LV chamber measurements generally showed a significant linear correlation with corresponding manual measurements, there were different patterns in systematic errors and in the effect of the manual correction on the errors between the vendors. For vendor A, although EDV and ESV were underestimated proportionally with an increase in LV volume (bias: −11.7 ml for EDV and −9.1 ml for ESV), EF was sufficiently accurate (bias: 1.2%). The manual correction produced a more accurate volume (bias: 2.5 ml for EDV and 1.1 ml for ESV) without any effects on EF measurement (bias: 0.7%). On the other hand, for vendor B, EF was overestimated proportionally with a decrease in EF (bias: 7.4%) owing to the underestimation of ESV (bias: −13.1 ml); the errors persisted even after equivalent manual correction procedure (bias: 7.5%).

Conclusions: There was an inter-vendor difference in systematic errors of LV volume and EF measurements and in the effect of the manual correction on the errors.

Key words: automatic endocardial border tracing; ejection fraction; left ventricular volume; automatic measurement

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