
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 44(1): 26-32 (2019)

原著Original Article

経胸壁心エコー図検査における女性患者の検者性別希望についてPreference on Examiner’s Gender Among Female Patients in Transthoracic Echocardiogram Examinations

1群馬大学医学部附属病院検査部Department of Clinical Laboratory Center, Gunma University Hospital

2群馬大学医学部附属病院循環器内科Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine

3タスマニア大学メンジーズ医学研究所Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania

4群馬県済生会前橋病院検査部Department of Clinical Laboratory Center, Gunma Saiseikai-Maebashi Hospital

受付日:2018年4月19日Received: April 19, 2018
受理日:2018年10月12日Accepted: October 12, 2018
発行日:2019年2月1日Published: February 1, 2019

目的:経胸壁心エコー図検査(Transthoracic echocardiography: TTE)では胸部を露出する必要があるため,女性患者では羞恥心の問題から男性検者による検査に対し抵抗を感じる可能性がある.その為,当院では2013年10月より女性患者に対して「検者性別の希望」に関するアンケートを検査前に行い,その希望に沿って検査を行う取り組みを実施している.今回,女性患者の検者性別希望に対する年齢の影響と,希望に沿った場合に待ち時間が延長するかを検討した.




Purpose: It is reasonable to presume that some female patients, especially young ones, would prefer female examiners for transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) because of the need to expose the chest. In our hospital, since October 2013, we have asked about “preference on the examiner’s gender” for female patients before TTE and we performed the examination according to their preference. The aims of this study were to elucidate real world evidence on their preference and to investigate whether it causes any delay in the logistics of providing the TTE service.

Subjects and Methods: All female patients who underwent clinically indicated TTE between October 2013 and September 2015 were enrolled and asked specifically ‘Would you prefer female examiners, or do you not care?’ Their answers were summarized according to their age groups. The lengths of waiting time were also compared among the groups.

Results and Discussion: Out of 1088 female patients (60.3±17.5 years old) who underwent TTE, 455 (41.9%) preferred female examiners and 631 (58.1%) did not care. The frequency of female patients who wanted female examiners generally decreased as their ages increased. However, 39% (27/70) of young female patients aged from 15 to 29 years showed no preference in the gender of the examiners, and 22% (26/120) of elderly ladies in their 80s and 90s preferred female examiners.

Conclusion: Less than half of the female patients preferred female examiners. Among older women, the preference for female examiners was less likely. Asking this question on the preference did not prolong the waiting period. Although there could be other problems such as human resources and differences in skills of examiners, this could be one way to satisfy patients’ preference in clinical settings.

Key words: Transthoracic echocardiography; Female; Examiner

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