
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 44(3): 357-369 (2019)

原著Original Article

Fallot四徴症患者における不整脈合併症例の特徴2Dスペックルトラッキング法を用いた検討Echocardiographic Characteristics in Tetralogy of Fallot with Arrhythmia: Assessments Using 2D Speckle Tracking

1聖路加国際病院臨床検査科生理機能検査室Clinical Laboratory, St. Luke’s International Hospital

2聖路加国際病院循環器内科Cardiovascular Center, St. Luke’s International Hospital

受付日:2018年8月16日Received: August 16, 2018
受理日:2019年2月25日Accepted: February 25, 2019
発行日:2019年6月1日Published: June 1, 2019

目的:Fallot四徴症(Tetralogy of Fallot: TOF)術後遠隔期合併症として不整脈が問題になることが多い.不整脈発症の機序は肺動脈弁逆流による容量負荷,肺動脈狭窄による圧負荷や手術による心筋障害などが原因としてあげられる.右房,右室の容積や心室機能と予後との関連性についての報告はあるが,心房機能と不整脈発症の関連について検討した報告はこれまでない.TOF術後患者を対象に2Dスペックルトラッキング法を用いて評価した心房心室機能が不整脈合併症例において特徴があるか検討した.

対象と方法:TOF術後患者77名を対象に検討した.経胸壁心臓超音波検査を用いて,各心腔の容積や駆出率などの標準的な評価項目に加え,2Dスペックルトラッキング法で両心房のStrain, Strain rate(SR)を計測した.対象群をA)上室性不整脈群,B)心室性不整脈群,C)不整脈なし群の3群に分け比較検討を行った.

結果と考察:A)上室性不整脈群は右室GLSが低下(p<0.01)し, Severe TRの割合が高かった(p=0.02).両心房が拡大し,両心房のSR項目は3時相全て低下していた.右房起源による不整脈を生じている可能性が示唆され,さらに障害された左房での伝導異常も上室性不整脈発症因子となる可能性が考えられた.ロジスティック解析では,両心房の拡大,LA booster strain, LA conduit strain, LA reservoir SR低下が上室性不整脈との関連性を認めた.B)心室性不整脈群では左室GLS低下(p=0.03),RVEDA拡大(p=0.01),RVGLS低下(p=0.01),両心房拡大(p=0.02),LA conduit SR低下(p=0.04),RA booster SR(p=0.02),RA reservoir SR低下(p<0.01)を認めた.ロジスティック解析では,左室拡大,両心房拡大,LA booster strain低下が心室性不整脈との関連性を認めた.


Purpose: Arrhythmia is one of the long-term complications in adults with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Arrhythmia is triggered by right-sided volume- and pressure-overload and surgical scars. Limited studies have investigated arrhythmia and atrial function in this population. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the correlation between arrhythmias and atrial as well as ventricular function assessed by using 2D speckle tracking in adults with TOF.

Subjects and Methods: We retrospectively enrolled 77 patients who were divided into three groups—(A) patients with atrial arrhythmias, (B) patients with ventricular arrhythmia, and (C) patient without any arrhythmia. We evaluated the atrial and ventricular function using 2D speckle tracking.

Results and Discussions: In the supraventricular arrhythmic group, lower RV GLS (p<0.01) and more patients with severe TR were identified compared with healthy controls. Moreover, higher atrial and lower atrial SR were observed, and arrhythmia from the RA was suggested. Furthermore, impaired LA could be a trigger of arrhythmia as well. The univariate logistic analysis suggested a correlation of dilated atria, lower LA booster strain, lower LA conduit strain, and lower LA reservoir SR with supraventricular arrhythmia. In the ventricular arrhythmic group, we observed lower LV GLS (p=0.03), enhanced RVEDA (p=0.01), lower RV GLS (p=0.01), enlarged atria (p=0.02), lower LA conduit SR (p=0.04), and lower RA booster SR (p=0.02) compared with healthy controls. The univariate logistic analysis suggested a correlation of enlarged LV, dilated atria, and lower LA booster strain with ventricular arrhythmia.

Conclusions: The deteriorated atrial and biventricular function could correlate with arrhythmia in adults with TOF; hence, assessments using atrial and ventricular strain are highly informative in this population.

Key words: Tetralogy of Fallot; atrial strain; speckle tracking echocardiography; atrial arrhythmia; ventricular arrhythmia

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