
ISSN: 1881-4506
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5
Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasound Technology 49(5): 482-492 (2024)

研究Research Paper

左室longitudinal strainにおけるapical sparing判定基準の検討Examining the Criteria for Apical Sparing in Left Ventricular Longitudinal Strain

1獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター超音波センターDokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, Center of Medical Ultrasonics

2獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター循環器内科Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, Cardiovascular Medicine

受付日:2023年12月8日Received: December 8, 2023
受理日:2024年7月16日Accepted: July 16, 2024
発行日:2024年10月1日Published: October 1, 2024

目的:左室longitudinal strain(LS)のapical sparing(AP)は,心アミロイドーシス(CA)を疑う重要な所見である.APの判定はBull’s eyeのパターンで行うが,判定に迷う症例も少なくない.その場合,心尖部と他領域のLS値を比較する必要があり,今回その適切な方法について検討した.

対象と方法:CAが疑われLS解析を行った176例(年齢68±14歳,男性129例).内訳はCAと診断された20例,否定された156例である.基部LSおよび中部LSは各6領域の平均値,心尖部LSは5領域の平均値とし,次の2法でAPを判定した.A法は既報告で一般的に使用されている心尖部LS/(基部LS+中部LS)>1でAPとした.B法は心尖部LSを基部LSで除した値に対してCA陽性に関するcut off値の決定と精度評価を行った.A法,B法の精度を比較した.

結果: B法のROC解析によるAP判定のcut off値は2.0であった.感度,特異度,陽性的中率は,A法:65%(13/20),81% (127/156),31% (13/42).B法:90% (18/20),73% (114/156),30%(18/60)であった.


Purpose: The relative apical sparing pattern of longitudinal strain (RASP), as determined by a Bull’s eye map, aids in diagnosing cardiac amyloidosis (CA). Despite the challenges involved in estimation, longitudinal strain (LS) values of the apex and other regions are needed for comparison and estimation. Moreover, quantitative evaluation methods for RASP can be confusing to determine. Therefore, our aim is to investigate the significant evaluation method of RASP in patients with CA.

Methods: This study included 176 cases (mean age: 68±14 years, 129 males) with suspected CA who underwent transthoracic echocardiography and LS analysis. We identified 20 cases with CA and compared the detection sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of A and B methods. Method A calculated the average apical LS divided by the sum of average basal LS and average mid LS. Method B involved the average apical septal LS divided by the average basal septal LS. For Method B, we determined the cutoff value for CA positivity and evaluated its accuracy.

Results: In Method B, the cutoff value for apical sparing by ROC analysis was 2.0. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value for diagnosing CA were 65%, 81%, and 31% for Method A and 90%, 73%, and 30% for Method B, respectively.

Conclusions: Echocardiography, as the gatekeeper, is crucial for detecting suspected cases of CA with high sensitivity, leading to prompt treatment. Our findings suggests that Method B is a suitable screening test for CA.

Key words: cardiac amyloidosis; left ventricular longitudinal strain; apical sparing pattern

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